

The template used for the SwaggerUIRenderer can be customized by overriding rest_framework_swagger/index.html.

Here are a few basic areas which can be customized:

  • {% block extra_styles %} Add additional stylsheets
  • {% block extra_scripts %} Add additional scripts.
  • {% block user_context_message %} Customize the "Hello, user" message (Django session only)
  • {% block extra_nav %} Placeholder for additional content in the nav bar.
  • {% block logo %} Logo area of the nav bar.

Version Headers

The following would append a version number to every request, which is required with rest_framework.versioning.AcceptHeaderVersioning. This should go into rest_framework_swagger/index.html in your template path.

{% extends "rest_framework_swagger/base.html" %}

{% block extra_scripts %}
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function () {
    var ApiVersionAuthorization = function () {};
    ApiVersionAuthorization.prototype.apply = function (obj) {
      obj.headers['Accept'] += '; version=1.0';
      return true;
        new ApiVersionAuthorization()
{% endblock extra_scripts %}